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COVID19 Detals


COVID 19 Protocols
Warwick North Softball Little League Protocols – Starting June 1 2020

  • Temperatures should be checked at home prior to arriving at the field for either practices/games.
  • No one above a 100.3 temperature should attend practices/games.
  • Coaches will scan temperatures of players as they enter the playing field.
  • Any player showing signs of the following should stay home: cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, body aches/pains, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and loss of taste/smell.
  • Should they have a possible or confirmed exposure to COVID19 as identified by LCPH they must stay home for 14 days after their last exposure (including coaching staff).
  • Each player and coach will provide their own mask and wear masks upon entering facility as well as anytime throughout practice and when social distancing is not possible (weather emergencies, in dugouts, together as a team, going to the restrooms).
  • Dug outs at Bend Street Field 1 will not be used during practices.
  • Each player as well as staff/coaches will have their own personal hand sanitizer either in their equipment bag or on their person.
  • Players should sanitize their own equipment prior to leaving their home.  They must sanitize after each use of their own personal items.  Warwick North Softball will also have sanitizing stations at the fields in certain areas.
  • Players/Coaches/Staff must provide their own bottle of drinking fluids and at no time can they be shared amongst others.  There will be NO water available through hoses or large containers to refill bottles.
  • Sharing of equipment is not permitted.  Coaches must sanitize all practice equipment and softballs BEFORE and AFTER every practice.
  • Players should avoid spitting on their hands or placing fingers in their mouths at any time.  Players/Coaches will not be allowed to have Gum, Seeds, Candy, etc. on the field at this time.
  • We will allow throughout practices to let players as well as staff/coaches to sanitize their own hands as well as equipment when needed.
  • We will work on social distancing when possible during practices. Players/Coaches will not be allowed to shake hands, high fives, fist bumps, hugs, etc.
  • When players leave and return home, we recommend that their practice gear be sanitized and their uniforms be washed prior to being worn for their next practice/game.
  • Players can wear a mask when on the field and participating in drills.  Should they feel uncomfortable participating this will be acceptable and not held against them.
  • If they need to use the restroom at the facility during practice only one player is allowed to enter. Before the player/coach ues the restroom, they must wear a mask and sanitize before an after.

Players and coaches that test positive for COVID19

  • Before returning to the playing field and rejoin activities the following must have happened under the guidance of the CDC:
    • No fever for 72 hours without the use of medicine
      No cough, shortness of breath
      At least 10 days have passed since they first had symptoms

Additional precautions per Warwick North Softball

  • We as a league WILL NOT penalize any player for missing practice or question their absence.
  • The Coach/Staff member will try to enforce to the players/parents of a social distancing while on the complex.
  • We will work on keeping the parking lot to every other spot for social distancing.
  • Once practice is over if the restrooms have been opened, we will sanitize them down prior to closing them up for the night.
  • Should there be a game and the restrooms are open we will sanitize them every hour ad prior to closing.
  • Should there be more than one practice we will leave a 15-minute buffer prior to the other team arriving.
  • Warwick North Softball Little League will work with the guidelines of the governor to make sure we keep our staff/Players/Families safe and we will update our protocols in accordance with the CDC and Rhode Island Guidelines.

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